• Develop renewable energy

    We specialize in developing renewable energy projects such as solar power and supply clean electricity to corporate customers committed to decarbonization through Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (off-site PPAs).
    We prioritize environmental harmony with local communities and construct businesses that can operate sustainably. Additionally, we promote agrivoltaics by installing solar power systems above farmland to share solar energy between agricultural production and electricity production.
    Through agrivoltaics initiatives, we not only contribute to the expansion of renewable energy but also to the revitalization of agriculture.

  • Support installment of renewable energy

    In the changing era towards decarbonization, all businesses are expected to adopt and utilize renewable energy.
    Leveraging our expertise and experience in energy, we earnestly address each company's unique challenges and provide tailored support to the adoption of renewable energy solutions.

    【Our achievements】
    - Feasibility studies for introducing solar power installations on underutilized company spaces
    - Support for new entries into renewable energy businesses
    - Creation of businesses in the renewable energy sector using customer resources
    - Development of comprehensive business plans for renewable energy projects
    - Execution support for renewable energy projects (such as wind power, geothermal, etc.)

  • Optimize renewable energy utilization

    Renewable energy resources such as solar and wind are subject to variability, leading to fluctuations in power generation.
    Under the mission of "maximizing the use of renewable energy," we primarily focus on optimizing the utilization of renewable energy through advanced storage technologies energy storage technologies, enhancing convenience, and driving greater adoption of renewable energy.